4th Grade

4th Grade traveled to the Hemmens Theatre on April 23 to experience a live orchestra concert.  Students prepared for the event by studying orchestra families and instruments, specific pieces and composers (American Salute, Mambo from West Side Story, and Ride of the Valkyries), concert etiquette, and jobs in an orchestra.  What an amazing experience to hear live classical music!  Thank you to the IEPTO for sponsoring this great event!

Students (and Mrs. Kozakis!) anticipate the start of the concert:

Students presented an informal performance of songs, dances and instrumental pieces from their music class curriculum on Feb. 13.  As we were analyzing their performance, we realized that I forgot to include the "Go Mary" interlude that they practiced for "Mary Had a Little Lamb."  Students learned how to use "do" and "so" to accompany the piece on xylophone, created their own movement to the piece, and practiced recorder technique using notes B, A, and G.  An interlude is a short musical idea that connects two bigger musical ideas in music - check out students use of "Go Mary" as an interlude!

4th Graders played their first notes on the recorder this week!  They learned to use warm, slow air to create a sound, and say "ta" to tongue a new note.  They should be bringing their recorder home next week to practice (10 minutes a day is great!).  Be patient with the sounds you hear (was that a tea-kettle in the background?) - it will improve quickly!  If you hear them squeak, have them check these items:
  • are you using warm, slow air (try to make a birthday candle flicker)?
  • are you saying "ta" at the beginning of a note?  
  • are you holding your recorder at a 45 degree angle to your body?
  • do you have the appropriate holes covered completely?
  • remember: Left hand on the top, right hand on the bottom!
Happy Practicing!

4th Grade is off to a great start in music class!  They established good singing posture and have been working on "brave singing" - matching pitch with their singing voice and projecting it safely and correctly.  Ask your child to sing "Welcome Here" and demonstrate how they composed a new section of music with their class!

The 4th Grade music curriculum is based on the elements of music and is aligned with the State and National Music Standards.  Here is an outline of what your student will learn in 4th grade:

RHYTHM: rhythm patterns using combinations of 2 sixteenths and 1 eighth, dotted half note, syncopation
MELODY: solfege: fa, whole/ half steps
FORM: patterns using three or four parts (ABC, ABCD), interlude
HARMONY: 2 part harmony, canon, bordun
TIMBRE: recorders (playing technique, notes D, E, G, A, B, and C), ensembles: band/ choir/ orchestra, singing voice
EXPRESSION: legato/ staccato, dynamics
THEORY: treble clef, treble clef note names, D.C. al fine, composition
HISTORY & CULTURE: performance etiquette, audience behavior, orchestral music & composers

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