5th Grade

Fifth grade students are mastering singing and identifying the major scale (do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do!).  They know that a scale is a collection of notes, and if it is a major scale, the pattern of steps is whole, whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half.  They identify a major scale as having a "bright" sound and starting and ending on "do."

Students experimented with creating harmony to "major" pieces using canon and chords (I, IV, and V). Since a chord is 2 or more notes played at the same time, they used xylophones and choir chimes to create I, IV, and V chords.

Fifth Graders playing a IV chord to accompany "Swan Song"

A canon creates harmony when the same song is sung by two different groups at the same time - one leads and one follows.  We can HEAR a canon, we can SING a canon, and we can DRAW a canon!  Here's what a canon would look like according to two fifth grade students:


If you have a 5th grade student at Franzen School, this is your chance to see them perform and show off all of the hard work they have been doing in music class!  Come and see your student sing, play recorders & xylophones, dance and participate in music activites from class.  Please feel free to invite friends and family as well!

Classes will perform at the following times in the Franzen Gym:
12:45 - 1:15 Copot & Cuzzone
1:30 - 2:00   Rosales & Wardzala

What exactly is an informance?
An informance is an informal performance that informs parents and audience members about grade-level curriculum, daily music activities, and specific subject content that was addressed by a piece of music.  Its name is derived from a combination of “information,” “informal,” and “performance.”

Come get a first-hand look into your child's musical experience!  See you on the 15th!


To celebrate National Anthem Day, Franzen students joined children from across the country singing the Star-Spangled Banner.  While we studied this song in class, 5th graders studied their singing voice.  They focused on breath control, diction (how words are pronounced), projection, posture and tone.  Select 5th Graders led the singing as the whole school sang our National Anthem.  Check out their work below!


5th Grade students expanded "Music Time Again" with a hand-clapping pattern with a partner to keep the steady beat, accompaniment on Orff xylophones, metalophones and glockenspiels, and a B section using the poem "It's Saturday."  In the video below, check out the work of 5Co.  You'll see them sing and play the A section, keeping the beat with a partner, then speak the B section while moving to a new partner and begin the A section again.  They studied form, the singing voice, ostinato (short repeated patterns), and steady beat with this piece.  Enjoy!


5th Grade music classes are jumping into singing technique head first!  Students are mastering good singing posture, and use of their "fountain of air" to produce a good singing tone.  Ask your child to sing "Music Time Again," or to teach you their favorite camp song as we prepare for outdoor ed!

The 5th Grade Music Curriculum is based on the elements of music and is aligned with the State and National Music Standards.  Take a peek at what your child will learn in music class this year!

RHYTHM: dotted eighth-sixteenth rhythm patterns, dotted quarter rhythm patterns, meters in 2, 3, 4, and 5
MELODY: solfege: low and high ti, major and minor scales
FORM: symphony, movement, rondo
HARMONY: 4-part canon, tonic (I), dominant (V) and sub-dominant (IV) chords
TIMBRE: recorder (playing technique, notes C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C, D), percussion, singing voice
THEORY: sharp/ flat, composition
HISTORY & CULTURE: musical styles, Star-Spangled Banner, performance etiquette, audience behavior, music in media

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